Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Delta Zeta's Homecoming Participation

Homecoming is just around the corner at Ohio Northern University. ONU will be welcoming back the Classes of 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1976, 1971 and, 1966 for their reunions. There are several exciting events planned throughout the week and weekend put on by different campus organizations to celebrate, including the homecoming football game.

As a sophomore, I will be entering ONU’s homecoming weekend a bit differently than I did last year, as I now know what to expect. Last year, I only went to the tailgate lunch and the game. This year, however, I will be participating in homecoming events much differently, especially now that I have joined Delta Zeta sorority.

This year, the Friday of homecoming weekend, Delta Zeta is hosting a “Glow Run” to raise money for our philanthropy. This run will be a 5k, and it begins at 7 p.m. on the Tundra. We will have sorority sisters placed in specific spots throughout the course, ready to spray runners with glowing liquid so that they light up as they finish their race. It will be an exciting event, and we courage everyone to sign up and run with us. It’s for a great cause: the Starkey Hearing Foundation. This organization helps put money towards getting the deaf community in underprivileged areas and countries the hearing aids and support they need. If running isn’t your thing, at least consider donating to our wonderful philanthropy and help change lives!

Along with the Glow Run, Delta Zeta is hosting a luncheon for our alumnae. We are very excited to welcome them back into the house for a few hours and provide them the food they deserve while we hear about how incredible their lives have been since college. I have a lot of respect for our alumnae, as do most of our DZ sisters, and I am excited to meet the women I was never able to be an active member with while at ONU. It should be a fun time!

Finally, Delta Zeta will be walking down Main Street in Ada to participate in our homecoming parade. It will be such a fun experience to walk with other Greek members and organizations on campus throughout our town. I am very excited to participate, and I encourage you all to come out and support ONU at this parade, as well as all of the other events going on this weekend!

Happy homecoming!

1 comment:

  1. As a new member in Zeta Tau Alpha I can understand what you mean when you say you will be participating in homecoming differently this year! It was so nice to be surrounded by my sisters all weekend! Also, I worked our booth during homecoming and I had the pleasure of meeting a woman who has been a ZTA for over 50 years now! I hope you enjoyed homecoming as much as I did!
