In the newest book that we are reading in class, “Social Media Marketing Workbook 2016” written by Jason McDonald, the first chapter
makes an analogy that I find to be intriguing. The author compares managing a
social media page for marketing purposes to throwing a party. He mentions that
in order to throw a party that many people want to attend, you must have
everything in order, meaning food, entertainment, invitations, guests, and
music. This means that on your page, you must have an attractive profile
picture and header photo, as well as quality content if you want people to come
to your page. You also have to keep your visitors entertained with your content
without making them feel overwhelmed with it. The whole thing can be a tricky
and tiring process, just like planning and throwing a party.
I found this analogy to be quite helpful in thinking about
attracting people to your social media page. I knew that it couldn’t be that
easy to get people to follow and like you while marketing on social media, but
I have never really thought about the actual process of making it all happen.
This analogy provides somewhat of a checklist for people to think about when
they attempt to market online. If they think about the food/entertainment of a
party as the content of their page, the decorations at a party as the
attractiveness of their page, and the face that no one likes to go to a party
where they don’t know anyone as a way to invite and promote good reviews on
their page, then the people marketing online might have a better chance of
understanding their responsibilities of management. How to go about marketing
on social media makes much more sense to me now, and I believe this analogy
could potentially help marketers across the country.
I also found the analogy helpful. I never thought of social media as throwing a party.