Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Examples in "Measure What Matters"

My favorite part about the book “Measure What Matters” written by Katie Delahaye Paine is the examples that are included. Throughout each piece of advice Paine offers is a series of examples that allow the reader to take the concepts being described and apply them directly to real life situations. These examples include listing different metrics to measure and different audiences to consider prioritizing. By reading this book, those entering the marketing and public relations world are given direct access to suggestions on where to being when measuring social media, and the examples assist them in choosing how to define certain aspects as they go. It truly is a helpful book.

Any text that gives readers examples is useful. Reading textbooks that are strictly concepts and lack real-world examples or applications is not effective. Paine goes above and beyond in her book by including not only a multitude of examples in each chapter, but also an explanation of each example and the benefits or applications of each. I believe anyone in the marketing or public relations field would find this book to be extraordinarily helpful when attempting to measure certain metrics on social media. I am thankful that I was able to read this book, as I truly believe it will assist me in my future. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Helping an Individual Cabi Stylist Take Off on Social Media

My mom, Katie Vachon, is an individual cabi stylist who sells cabi clothes to women. Cabi is a designer line of women’s clothing that is presented in friends’ homes or by private appointment. The company has been around for 13 years, and it strives to change the way shopping works for women while putting an emphasis on customer service. Although my mom works for the company, selling clothes, booking appointments and everything else that comes with her position is on an individual basis, including marketing her business.

Because I have learned so much about social media this semester in my social media principles class, I am helping my mom expand her marketing on social media. Hopefully, if I can use the knowledge I have gained about social media marketing to reach more potential customers on social media, she will gain more business in return. Some tips I have given her include answering any questions a potential customer might ask via social media right away, and post pictures of the clothes she is selling in cabi fans’ group pages on Facebook. Over break, I intend on helping her further.

I am thankful this class has given me the skills to market via social media, and I am happy I get to share this knowledge with my mom. I hope it helps! 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Winter is Coming

This fall, students at Ohio Northern University have been blessed with some unexpected, long-lasting warm weather. Normally, Ohio experiences cold and snowy weather as soon as November begins, sometimes even experiencing a snowy Halloween. However, we have yet to see a snow fall that sticks to the ground, and the last week of November consisted of 60 degrees Fahrenheit weather. Unfortunately, the moment December began we were greeted with freezing temperatures. We avoided the inevitable long enough; winter is finally on its way.

Last winter, ONU got lucky with only a little bit of snow and relatively warm weather compared to past years. We got lucky again this year so far with the cold only just beginning to creep its way in now that it’s December. I’m worried that we won’t be so lucky when winter actually begins. I can’t stand the cold, and in my mind snow is only acceptable during the Christmas season. I’m praying for another mild winter, especially considering walking to class and receiving wind burns here on campus is not pleasant.

I hope everyone stays warm this winter!